JOFAs Megillat Esther



1.99 usd

JOFAs Megillat Esther App is designed to help you learn to read Megillat Esther

JOFAs Megillat Esther App is designed to help you learn to read Megillat Esther. Use the app to learn the trop, the blessings, and everything else you need to know about chanting Megillah on Purim. You can also use it to follow along during the reading on Purim.Please note that we have chosen to use the text established by the late Rabbi Mordechai Breuer because it most faithfully represents the text as established by the Masoretes in Tiberias, who fixed the text of our Tanach.The app includes:- The entire text of Megillat Esther with translation- On Demand Audio: With a simple click or touch of any verse, the corresponding Hebrew with proper trop is chanted by a woman, while the corresponding text is highlighted-Tikkun View: With a simple click or touch, you can choose whether you want to see the Hebrew as vowelized text or as it appears in the Megillah with crowns and without vowels- Resources for readers, gabbaiot, and those who wish to organize readings in their own communitiesBug Fixes and enhancements for latest Android Versions

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Really helpful!

Evonne Marzouk

A helpful source for Megillah of Esther. i use it to practice the trope. i like the English translation too.

Carol Catinari

Beautiful audio of leenning (sp) the whole megillah with English & Hebrew. A must for Purim.

Julia M&M

This has been great to learn with. There is an error in chapter 8 verse 11 where the leiner repeats a phrase. Can this be fixed?

Elisabeth Rosenthal

Beautifully put together with translation as well as versions with and without vowels. The reading is excellent too. What a lucky find!

David Lubinsky